Patient Avoids Knee Replacement Surgery with the BioKnee (7 years post-op)

I had my first surgery in 2010, so seven years ago. I presented with really almost debilitating pain. So just impacting my activities of daily living, had pain upon walking, much less running. It was inhibiting my ability to exercise and ultimately impacting my gait. My hips were beginning to hurt, so all the local orthopedic surgeons in my hometown were able to offer me with a complete total knee replacement. Even they agreed that, that wasn't an ideal option because of my age. I would have to have probably two more in my lifetime.

I sought out additional consultation and found Dr. Stone through a mutual friend, someone who had, had a procedure with him, did a phone consultation, sent him my films, and he recommended that I have on articular cartilage graft and meniscus transplant. I underwent that procedure in 2010. Again, seven years ago.

He stressed to me the importance of the commitment to the rehab program. I almost want to say that the one year of rehab was perhaps more laborious than the procedure itself, but I have to say that they know what they're doing here. They got it right. They worked very closely after my two weeks here. I'm from out of state, so I dedicated two weeks to onsite therapy with his group. Then when I went home, they were in constant communication with the physical therapist in my hometown and just excellent communication and excellent outcomes.

Fast forward seven years later here at 2017, my right knee is perfect. I am able to do anything literally that I want without pain on exercising actively. My job requires a lot of walking and I'm able to do that in a dress and heels with a heavy backpack some days and, again, pain free. So I am very, very happy with the outcome.

I come back today for the other knee, which actually is a much more minor injury, just a torn meniscus, but wanted his blessing on what to do about it. After talking with my local orthopedist, again, what Dr. Stone has to offer is just a bit more applicable to my injury.

I think by what he's able to offer me, which is actually just a repair, but he'll be able to salvage tissue in this knee and hopefully prevent my left knee from going through what my right knee experienced. I just can't speak enough to not only his technical expertise, but the level of trust and confidence I have in his skills, so I'm very pleased and happy patient.

Fast forward seven years later, my right knee is perfect. I am able to do anything literally that I want without pain on exercising actively. My job requires a lot of walking and I'm able to do that in a dress and heels with a heavy backpack some days and, again, pain free. So I am very, very happy with the outcome.
- Cathy T.

Outstanding physical therapy yields outstanding outcomes. Cathy traveled from New Orleans to avoid a knee replacement with Dr. Stone's BioKnee program. After a successful replacement of her meniscus and repair of her cartilage defect by Dr. Stone, Cathy committed herself to our physical therapy program, working intensely with our rehab team for 2 weeks and continuing our program with local therapists under our guidance. Now more than 7 years later with her repaired knee feeling strong as ever, Cathy earned every bit of her tremendous outcome and restored lifestyle.