Shoulder Impingement Rehab Protocol & Recovery Time Frame

Always practice good posture throughout the day.

“Neutral position” of the back, shoulders, and spine should be maintained during standing, sitting, and lifting activities.

3 - 5 times a day, perform the following series of exercises

Blade squeezes

Sitting or standing up straight, pinch shoulder blades together as if pinching a peanut between them. Hold 5 seconds and repeat 10 times


Sitting or standing up straight, arms down at sides, rotate arms outward while trying to extend downward at the same time. Hold 5 seconds and repeat 10 times

Pec stretching

Standing in a doorway with hand holding onto doorframe just below shoulder height, turn body away from your arm until a stretch is felt in the chest. Hold 15 seconds and repeat 5 times

Once a day, perform these exercises


Holding onto a table with fingertips and arm relaxed, stand up and away from arm to distract arm from shoulder. Go until tension and hold for 3 seconds and repeat 5 times

Theraband rows

Holding the band with both hands and with it wrapped around a doorknob, pinch shoulder blades and pull back towards you as if rowing a boat. Perform 15 - 20 reps

Theraband external rotation

Stand with a towel rolled underarm, your elbow bent 90º, and the Theraband across the front of you and attached to a door. Rotate arm outwards away from band, making sure to keep shoulders back and do not hike shoulder. Perform 15-20 reps

Note: All progressions are approximations and should be used as a guideline only. Progression will be based on individual patient presentation, which is assessed throughout the treatment process.

If you would like help relieving your shoulder pain, our team of highly-trained therapists can alleviate the pain with personalized 1:1 physical therapy sessions. Contact us at (415) 563-3110 for an appointment. You may also view our shoulder fitness and rehab videos with over 20 different exercises to strengthen your shoulder

Don't Know Why Your Shoulder Hurts? Use our Shoulder Pain Symptom Checker to learn more about your symptoms and possible injury conditions. 

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