The Roadman Cycling Podcast with Kevin R. Stone, MD

The Roadman Cycling Podcast with Dr. Stone

Dr. Stone joined cycling coach Anthony Walsh on the Roadman Cycling Podcast to discuss common injuries as we age and how to prevent them, the best training balance, and the role of supplements in joint health. 

They also talk about Dr. Stone's holistic approach, which includes mindfulness and stress management, and shared advice on overcoming recurring injuries. Additionally, they cover nutrition for joint health and building psychological resilience.

You may listen to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.

For more on how cyclists can ride for a lifetime be sure to check out Dr. Stone's blogs on cycling injury prevention and recovery.

Medically authored by
Kevin R. Stone, MD
Orthopaedic surgeon, clinician, scientist, inventor, and founder of multiple companies. Dr. Stone was trained at Harvard University in internal medicine and orthopaedic surgery and at Stanford University in general surgery.