Knee arthroscopy rehab protocol
Weeks 1 - 2
- Nurse appt day 2 for dressing change and review of home program.
- Ice/elevation every 2 hours for 15 minute to minimize edema and promote healing (please refer to Icing - Recommendations handout).
- Avoid impact or twisting for 4 weeks.
- Soft tissue treatment to quads, posterior musculature, suprapatellar pouch, popliteal fossa, iliotibial band and Hoffa’s fat pad.
- Patellar mobilization as needed.
- No direct scar mobilization (Avoid direct palpation and mobilization on incisions/portals for 4 weeks).
- Strength training specifics: quad sets/straight leg raises, hip abduction, calf presses/heel raises, Gluteus sets, and core conditioning.
- Upper body conditioning, well-leg stationary cycling or Upper Body Ergometer (arm bike).
- Gait training progression towards minimizing assistive devices (walker, crutches, etc).
- Range of motion 0 to 90 degrees.
- Pain < 3/10, minimal Edema.
- Gait weight-bearing as tolerated; Good quality gait with least amount of assistive device.
Weeks 2 - 4
- Nurse appt for suture removal day 14.
- Ice and elevation daily.
- Walking for 15 -20 mins daily.
- Avoid impact and twisting of the knee for 4 weeks.
- Soft tissue treatment to quads, posterior musculature, suprapatellar pouch, popliteal fossa, iliotibial band and Hoffa’s fat pad.
- Patellar mobilization as needed.
- No direct scar mobilization on incisions/portals for 4 weeks.
- Functional strengthening exercises including squats/leg Press, bridges/hamstring curls, 2” step Down.
- Intense core training, aerobic exercises as tolerated (bilateral stationary bike, Elliptical, arm bike).
- Active Range Of Motion: equal extension to uninvolved side and flexion to 120 degrees. No edema.
- Full weight-bearing; normal gait without assistive device.
- Single Leg Balance 60 sec on level surface.
Weeks 4+
- MD appt at 4 weeks.
- Walk up to 1 hour for exercise.
- Continue with soft tissue mobilization.
- Apply direct scar tissue mobilization; can use instruments/tools.
- Emphasize self stretching to both lower extremities.
- Increase intensity of resistance exercises (i.e. standing resisted squats, lunges, etc).
- Introduce lateral and eccentric exercises (4-6” steps).
- Introduce controlled pivoting and twisting of lower extremity.
- Initiate impact training with water or trampoline.
- Greater emphasis on single leg strength, increase challenge of proprioceptive training.
- Activities should be pain-free.
- Bike with minimal resistance, Elliptical, Swimming-flutter kick all tolerated.
- Progress back to sport training.
***MD appt and PT appt at 3 months for Sports Test I and clearance for sport
NOTE: All progressions are approximations and should be used as a guideline only. Progression will be based on individual patient presentation, which is assessed throughout the treatment process.