Frozen Shoulder Repair Rehab Protocol

0 - 2 Weeks:

  • Sling allowed as needed for comfort only, first 5 - 7 days, taking arm out often 5 - 7 times a day for elbow ROM
  • Posture education and postural exercises
  • Ball or putty squeezing throughout the day
  • Icing every two hours for 15 - 20 minutes first 5 - 7 days, 3 times a day thereafter
  • CPM (continuous passive motion) machine 4 - 6 hours per day for 1 - 4 weeks
  • Soft tissue mobilization focused on periscapular musculature, cervical spine, and rotator cuff
  • Scapular mobilization
  • Passive and active assisted ROM manually and using pulley at home going for full motion as soon as able without increased irritability
  • Cardiovascular training program can include bike, treadmill, versa climber, UBE
  • Core stabilization program

 2 - 4 Weeks:

  • Full passive range of motion should be achieved by 2 - 4 weeks
  • Scapular and glenohumeral joint mobilization as indicated
  • Begin rotator cuff retraining and strengthening, focus on restoring proper biomechanics
  • Integration of involved shoulder through bilateral UE activity and total motion training (full body movements using both upper and lower extremities)
  • Continued cardiovascular and core strength training
  • Continued icing 3 times per day

4 - 8 Weeks:

  • Progressive strength training contingent upon perfect biomechanics
  • Development of independent home and gym program
  • Okay to return to swimming with good mechanics after 6 weeks

8 - 10 Weeks:

  • Progression into normal activity and exercise program
  • Patient discharged with life-long home maintenance program to include daily ROM exercises, rotator cuff program, and cardiovascular program



NOTE: All progressions are approximations and should be used as a guideline only. Progression will be based on individual patient presentation, which is assessed throughout the treatment process.

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